Buy a Light, Give a Light

For every candle purchased, a solar light bulb is given to someone in need

Electricity is expensive

Poor towns in the Philippines are built close to each other such that they have no windows and natural light. Electricity is expensive in the country therefore many families live in near darkness

Solar Bottle Bulb

Students from MIT had the bright idea to create light bulbs from nothing more than a 1 liter plastic bottle. Known as the "Solar Bottle Bulb", it works by placing a recycled plastic bottle containing bleached water into the roof.

Solar Bottle Bulb

Students from MIT had the bright idea to create light bulbs from nothing more than a 1 liter plastic bottle. Known as the "Solar Bottle Bulb", it works by placing a recycled plastic bottle containing bleached water into the roof.

How do we give?

When customers buy a candle, Charmed Aroma provides funding to non-profit partner like Liter of Light. In turn, Liter of Light provides bottles and training to low income entrepreneurs in developing countries to start a business installing solar bulbs.